Silicon Valley Representative Ro Khanna Deserted

Silicon Valley Representative Ro Khanna Deserted

Silicon Valley Representative Ro Khanna has been instrumental in welcoming Indian State Head Narendra Modi to address the cooperative meeting of the US Congress on June 22, 2023. This shocked large numbers of his constituents who decided in favor of him after he pronounced in 2019: “It’s the obligation of each and every American lawmaker of the Hindu confidence to represent pluralism, reject Hindutva, and represent equivalent freedoms for Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhist, and Christians.”

What caused this shift in perspective? Is it the gift of $110,000 to his crusade by Hindu Patriot contributors in the US, as revealed by The Country? Individual Indian-American Representative Pramila Jayapal has likewise upheld Modi’s greeting. She will be among the individuals from Congress who will accompany Modi to the platform. Ro Khanna and Pramila Jayapal are both probably “liberal” Leftists.

While Khanna says that he “unequivocally goes against any type of rank segregation”, he has not embraced California SB 403, a bill supported by Representative Aisha Wahab and upheld by Dalit lobbyist Thenmozhi Soundararajan, that outlaws position separation in the state.

Modi’s US visit comes all at once with rising state mistreatment of strict minorities, including Muslims and Christians. Modi’s BJP-subsidiary legislators have called for decimation against Indian Muslims, went after mosques and houses of worship, and destroyed homes, as indicated by The Country. The Biden organization has been quiet on these issues, picking rather attempt to fortify the US-India relationship and develop the ties between the nation’s military and innovation areas. Throughout the previous four years, the Biden Organization has disregarded the USCIRF (US Commission on Global Strict Opportunity) suggestion to assign India as a “Nation of Specific Concern” and force key assents on Indian government authorities and offices engaged with strict opportunity infringement.

Just before Top state leader Modi’s visit to Washington, the USCIRF has encouraged President Biden to examine with him its interests in the absence of strict opportunities in India. “With India’s forthcoming state visit, the Biden organization has a remarkable chance to unequivocally integrate strict opportunity worries into the two nations’ respective relationship,” said USCIRF Official David Curry. “It is imperative the U.S. government recognize the Indian government’s execution and lenience of especially serious infringement of strict opportunity against its own populace and desire the public authority to maintain its common liberties commitments.”

L to R: Narendra Modi, JOe Biden, Ro Khanna

Rather than censuring India for permitting the abuse of minorities and denying media opportunities, US authorities have extolled the Modi government. US Business Secretary Gina Raimondo has portrayed Modi as “staggering, visionary” and “the most famous world pioneer.” Donald Lu, the associate secretary of state for South and Focal Asia, has commended press opportunity in India: “You have India as a majority rule government to a limited extent since you have a free press that truly works.” This is in sharp differentiation with the discoveries of the media guard dog Correspondents Without Boundaries 2023 World Press Opportunity Record, which has positioned India 161, out of 180 nations because of its crackdown on the press. India’s neighbor Pakistan positions 150, 11 spots above India, on this List.

Khanna’s new about-face is viewed as disloyalty by quite a few people of his constituents who upheld him in light of his dismissal of Hindutva. South Asian civil rights activists Anu Mandavilli, Deepa Iyer, Karthikeyan Shanmughan, and others have firmly reprimanded Khanna.

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